วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Void - Verbal Abuse in the Workplace

One of the reasons that abuse - verbal abuse in the form of cruel, degrading and negative judgments and criticisms, gossip, bullying and other types of verbal attacks - is widespread in the workplace is peoples lack of conversation skills, the kind of skills that help you to to talk to the other openly, honestly and respectfully, about what is really important. People who feel in their own skin, able to hear and understand aware that on effective communication skills andWho are able to speak and express themselves, who can discuss difficult topics with a sense of lightness and grace are healthier than those who cannot.

At work, people who say they have healthy relationships with supervisors, direct reports, employees and other stakeholders experience less stress, burnout rustout, and physical, emotional and mental fatigue.

The reason that this dialogue with good skills have fewer complaints because they are able, through problems, conflicts and workDifferences, a healthy manner that will not attack back, and to reduce a-Upping, humiliating dismissal, labeling, damaging insults, ridicule, verbal or others.

It is for the conscious organization, team, department, unit or group to examine how it generates and supports the power of dialogue. A deliberate confrontation with the power of dialogue calls to interact managers, supervisors and team leaders, for example, to examine openly, as the people together. ForFor example, employees allowed, even encouraged to speak their minds? People are asked and encouraged to share information so that he sees the light of day by all (if any)? If all parties asked for their input on important decisions? Thu, managers, supervisors, team leaders and their direct reports to ask: What do you think? early and often? In essence, get to be by your organization, department or team strengthening effect in healthy people and conversation and dialogue?Does your company practice and his team and consciously value and support, open and honest dialogue?

Where there is no way to talk, talk, ask questions and help engage, there is a void. Where people lack the skills to dialogue effectively, there is a void. And employees, like nature, abhors a vacuum. If a caller is present void, if your company or team inhibits open and honest communication, or does not support the empowerment of employees to beeffective communicators, be sure your employees find a way to fill it. Unfortunately, the method is to use many people to fill the void are more often than not self-defeating and self-sabotage, the organization or the team rumors, gossip, complaining, nit-picking, the guilt, bitching, moaning, blaming, and by and by lying.

So, it is so. The center, which holds the pivotal point at which your company is based or teams positive energy and vitality, is effectiveCommunication and dialogue. If your employees engage with heart and mind, open and honest, common meaning is the result. Healthy communication creates a healthy relationship and create healthy relationships with a healthy team and a healthy organization.

So, our $ 10 food for thought questions are:

· Trust you agree?

· Hear you listening?

· Do you have other questions: What do you think? regularly?

· You make it safe forothers speak?

· You need to find one or more of the following road closures place to communicate effectively when people speak to you: consulting, one-Upping, education, history tells us interrogate the shutdown of the to the other to repair the other's , the correction of the other side? If so, why?

· Do you find it difficult to be present to another?

· How do you feel when you think that you will be heard no more?

· Do your colleagues and friends sayThey are a good listener? Have you ever wondered?

· Does your ruling of labeling or other kill dialogue?

· Do you allow ideas on their own merit, regardless of who provides the ideas are?

· Have you checked the messenger and the message? If so, why?

· Their conversation is interrupted by more style points or by a question mark? Why?

· Do you have enough time for dialogue in your workday?

(c) 2007, Peter G. Vajda, Ph.D. andSpirit Heart. All rights in all media reserved.

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