วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What To Eat To Lose Weight

I `m thick. Well, I was until I figured out what to eat weight.The good news is that we can lose both do something about it.
Bear with me while I was a little bit in history to sink here.
During the 80 `s I was 20-30yo. I was very active in
Sport and my work was very manual.
I was (and still) 180cms (5ft 11in) and a well-built 85kgs (185lbs) are.
When the garbage collector during the day and my 3 days / week training
Regime for soccer, I was very fit.

When I had my 30 `s I have my referenceStomach growing.
Through a combination of cutting down my training and the implementation
of automation in my work was no longer necessary to run to me
behind a garbage truck more.

I left the job for a position in the hotel industry a manger of a bar.
Now let me tell you, pub food and easy access to alcohol is not a good mix.
The pounds piled on. I was blind to it, of course.
First, I have reached 90 kg, then 95th I stayed at 95kgs for the next 4 years andWe accept this
than my normal weight. Afterall, my father and brother are both over 100 kg
and genetics was my excuse for this.

I had the idea in the effort to lose weight to play
but the pain of doing it, was greater than the gain.
Was, until I stepped on the scales of a month ago out of curiosity
and almost fell over ..... 102kgs (225lbs).
Do you have any idea what it feels like with 3 points on a scale.
Maybe you have to do. It is good tear(Pardon the pun).

My search was. I scoured everywhere for a way to get my weight kg under 100.
I had to figure out what to eat to lose weight
Nothing, until ... I came across a book. I downloaded it and read it
and thought it was deserved.
I have nothing of it until a week later, when I read it again.
This time the light came on. "I can do that," I thought. It's easy.

The strategies were a piece of cake (I did) eat cake.
The most difficultPart was not there, "she said.
After 21 days of starting this I have lost 7.5kgs (17lb).
I have to lose yet another 8kgs.
My goal weight 87kgs.All the gurus tell me I was 80kg for my height
but that will not happen with my body and bone structure.
I will be comfortable at 87kgs. I will then return to the situation
and decide whether 2 or 3 more to come from.

Already aware of my work colleagues have not only the difference in my size
but myBehavior has changed.
Energy is high (my wife is happy), and I have noticed an improvement
my concentration and decision making.

Want to know the real bonus, however? I eat what I ate before.
Here is an example of what I've eaten the last 7 days.


Toast with butter and peanut butter


Chicken Parmigiani with vegies


Jam Tart

Coffee withSugar


Porterhouse Steak

Lollies (I love `em)


All the things I have admired for many years yet eaten.

There is a point I mention. The book states that no strenuous exercise should be taken.
Because of my competitive nature, I have not hit the pavement 3 times per week.
Nothing dramatic, mind you. I hardly get a sweat up though.
Actually, I almost had a jog for a stroll, that `s how slow I am arrestedgo.

Seriously people, this is a breeze.
It's simple little book has changed my life for the better.
Everything you did was guide me what to eat to lose weight.

Recommend : ทำบุญวันเกิด shawncalliop.blogspot.com robertthansens.blogspot.com

