วันศุกร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Immigrating to the United States For the Extraordinary

This is an obvious and highly unnoticed conspicuous place, but the logical consequence is often that many of the world's best and brightest minds are simply not willing to give the United States under such conditions, preferring instead to wait and for the dignity that comes with legal personality, work .

Two frequently used options, a green card for the more cerebral candidates for U.S. citizenship available. Those who leave their intellectual capacities, if it can meet their income and welfare, theConditions for employment-based preference under "extraordinary ability" or "National Interest Waiver" status.

Of the two, "extraordinary ability" is higher (if more vague) in its series of qualifications that the applicant be required to ... Now ... extraordinary. In general, these candidates will have to be a winner of the nationally or internationally recognized prizes; researchers publish regularly in the major academic or scientific journals, researchers and scientists whose workobvious value, quoted by others in the large academic or scientific journals, or artisans and creative work at the highest levels of culture.

Although the "national interest" exceptions "are less daunting in its criteria, they have a much stricter set of qualifications observed. Aliens are set for this status must be in the work of" substantial intrinsic value "to U.S. citizens, the national to benefit levels and not only as a place of advantage. Further, this workits impact would have on the national interest is greater than the same work if they carried out by an available U.S. worker.

A fairly common practice in applications of this kind is the invitation to submit evidence. Dear colleagues, with American citizenship, are also a valuable asset for scientists and researchers in the U.S. citizenship. In addition, applicants who wish to update their resumes and provides clear guidance on the specific qualities and skills make themEntitled to U.S. citizenship.

Thanks To : ทำบุญวันเกิด shawncalliop.blogspot.com shepscal.blogspot.com rosesschad.blogspot.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Why Do People Start Smoking Anyway?

Have you (or your parents!) Remember the times when the manufacturers of tobacco products other than cigarettes publicity to your advantage? Deadline for making a come phrases and stereotypes such as "The Marlboro Man" and hook lines like "More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette" or Doral Cigarettes "Taste Me! Taste Me! On and taste me!" they were attributed to smoking with a positivistic twist tobacco advertising display as representing a habit that has been accepted by society as aPart of a healthy out-of-life-style door! , Give thanks that times and opinions have shifted, and society is evolving and this type of advertising media are obviously no longer acceptable, as is in fact in some states are prohibited from promoting tobacco to other goods. Exercised at a time smoking was aware of as "cool", but now everyone is aware, perhaps more than ever, dozens of diseases and related health problems that havescientifically proven that smoking tobacco products are available.

Finally, tobacco is publicly recognized as much more than just a "bad habit", but one that will prohibit socially progressive with many people really so far, with smoking in public places, not accepted. But how is it abandoned in the light of the abundant negative publicity about smoking have countless people decide for themselves pushed aside all the data on this issue and decidethat they go to start smoking for the first time in her life? If the next member of the series, you are smoking your child, a dear one or a good friend?

Here are just some of the reasons individuals give to explain their smoking habits:

It helps me to Get Rid of Stress - Smoking forever personified the release of stress. So when you come to the point that you feel that you are your life with worry, tension or anxiety, depressed, maybe you willSimilarly, the idea that taking the wrapper off a handsome new package of cigarettes and lighting up in any way help you with your problems easier. This appears to represent an element not only because some individuals "for smoking tobacco, but also how they get started start smoking. In fact, smoking is not and can not relieve stress or anxiety, it simply due to courts of a short hike on your moral the effects of nicotineCirculation around the bloodstream

"My husband / wife / partner is a smoker - One of" the most common reason for people to call the smoking habit is to see the individuals who live, or to make a smoke with tobacco, so it follows that they also bring the use of tobacco. Even the non-spouse of a person who smoke is often seen "as is" and so on to convert into a "casual smoker," and happened by and large, going to be Hooked onNicotine. Up smoking in other cases, young people, because only they believe that smoking is in a great atmosphere a means to adapt to their peers.

Peer Pressure - youth and adolescents on smoking habits is a huge problem, and it is generally accepted that it burned the determination of the peer-pressure presses, many young people their first cigarette. Despite all of the health teaching young people still believe that if they then smoke theirClassmates, they are likely to be "cool" and perhaps it is also presented as a step toward maturity "adults smoke ..." As parents in this respect there is perhaps little to be done to ensure that your child will definitely try smoking, you will still be able to go, at least in any way preclude after your children, by talking to Smoke known, openly with them, well, indicating effects of tobacco use and illumination of the disturbances, they are also almost certainto combat by and by, if they want to smoke.

None of the so-called developed reasons or excuses for the inclusion of tobacco smoke contain no substantial merit in the least. Does anybody really believe that the infected teeth yellowed by years of inhaling nicotine tar could smoke stained personify "cool" or with 2 digits of a hand, an eternal tenebrous yellow from constantly gripping a lit cigarette is appealing? Regardless of these forwhatever reason countless people decide to start day-after-day to take up smoking. Are you or someone you are close to the next?

Before the start of tobacco smoke, you should first deliberate, if you never start smoking you will never again be forced to give it the dependence or ready to spend thousands of dollar bills difficulty collecting on a life endangering habit battle.

Friends Link : ทำบุญวันเกิด ruthcbrowns.blogspot.com ermacbutner.blogspot.com ashleypschweitzer.blogspot.com

วันพุธที่ 9 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Sales Speaker Asks: Are You A Straight-Commission Personality?

Take a look at a few dozen ads for sellers and I want to assure you that you have enough to offer that no guaranteed salary.

You pay on a so-called "straight Commission" basis. If you sell, you eat, and if you do not starve.

It is perhaps the ultimate form of merit pay: literally, you have to earn it, not by effort but by the results.

Most companies like to pay in this way, because it eliminates all but their risks. It canSeveral things certainly acceptable, if someone just compensation Commission:

(1) You are confident and optimistic people to sell to more than uncertain.

(2) You are willing to take full responsibility for its implementation, a rare attribute in today's workforce.

(3) They want and need less supervision and hand-holding.

(4) You arrive at work before the training and of course

(5) You will pay for itself immediately and justify the cost of the companyOverhead.

If a salesperson does not just Commission pan out, much has been invested in him, it means companies will be more job seekers little bites at the apple, and at lower cost than if they are salaried.

And usually, especially Commission payers more willing to large orders for the successful offer. So the head is a lot more for the seller, which can meet the challenge.

But you can hack by the Commission only as a seller? Most peopleit can not.

First, they believe that a company does not guarantee that they are either something less than legitimate or not confident enough that the work will produce a solid income for themselves, let alone for the rep. Along this line, candidates are often content, its size and associated benefits, such as an act of confidence in their abilities. If the warranty is great, it is the belief in the new employees, and this gesture to create confidence in the candidate.

But still a real challenge, is the mostFact that the Commission now directs a variable reinforcement schedule. This month to break the bank stick you can, but next month, you must include on your charge cards. Dramatic ups and downs are not warm and fuzzy for most people who know how to be happy, they will be paid on time for their mortgage or rent.

I think that is the most important question is this: If you had your druthers, you would own the business or work on the payroll of someone else? If you are the independent type,then a straight commission plan could be your cup of tea, because it's like to be paid if you are completely on your own.

By the way, there is another perk. In most offices for the Commission to recognize the employers, they can not insist that you work in, punching a conventional time clock. You have to cut you some slack, so you much freedom, how and when you work, because after all they are not paying you warm on a chair, but only in order to be successful.

How do you reallynot their thing, and most of them, at least unwilling to acknowledge it!

My Links : ทำบุญวันเกิด charlotterhogsett.blogspot.com lisagkings.blogspot.com porterconnor.blogspot.com

วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

History of the Black Penny Stamp

The Black Penny stamp, is also known as the Penny Black, was the first adhesive postage stamp in the postal system to be used. It was the post of the United Kingdom and Ireland on 1 May 1840 as part of the reforms suggested by Rowland Hill. All London post offices received official stamps affixed to the mail that went through it, but to enforce the practice of using the Penny Black did not immediately throughout the country. Post offices in other parts of the countrycontinue with its normal method of payment for e-mail, which often means that the recipient was responsible for paying the postage.

The Penny Black was the brainchild of Sir Rowland Hill in an attempt to reform the post office. His idea of affixing a prepaid stamp to each piece of mail was seen to have merit and he was a two-year contract to implement the new system in 1840, will be promoted. He ran a competition for a new stamp design, but none of the messages he received were deemed worthyis the winner. His first design was that of a rough engraving of Queen Victoria as a young girl. Hill believes that it would be extremely difficult for counterfeiters to copy this design. The stamp contained the word postage? And the name of the stamp, but there was no mention of the name of the country. At that time it was the first time anyone used postage stamps and therefore something very special was the United Kingdom.

The Penny Black was on the market for about aYear. This has been canceled because the stamp was the postmaster was red and very difficult to see against the black background. This meant that many people were reusing the stamps and sending messages basically free. The result was that the Finance Ministry turned to the Penny Red and changed the color of the cancellation mark to black. The printing process of the Black Penny postage stamp required eleven o'clock plates.

Were printed on a sheet of 240 stamps, and since the breakthrough yethad invented, the stamps will be cut with scissors. Although it is a collector ¯ point, the Penny Black stamp is not a rare stamp. There was almost seventy million stamps printed in its short lifespan and many of them are still around. It is readily available in collectors? Circles with a stamp used in bad shape usually costs only $ 10 A stamp in mint condition, but is much more expensive at about $ 3000.

In addition to the stamp used for postal,There was an issue of the Black Penny for official use only printed. Such a stamp contains the letters V and R instead of the stars in the upper corners, which are on the regular stamps. All officials and offices receive a large number of these stamps, which are few, thus it is this form of the stamp is a rare book.

Thanks To : ทำบุญวันเกิด quentincolle.blogspot.com reesesclayto.blogspot.com judyfvasques.blogspot.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

What You Need To Know on Boat Insurance

This article will want the knowledge you need to feel that you have a good overview of the topic.

Got insurance? I would like to originate with the statement that I am certified insurance agent / distributors only in the realm of California. I'm also not a solicitation to deal, or any consolation to a certain score or invention. This article is for informational purposes only. Laws, regulations and policies boating vary from kingdom to kingdom and guests. IAdvocate Contact upright Carter and agents with the laws and carriers in the region where you live, is unforgettable.

It is important to write that it is not a maintenance policy and undermine is no protection and wear, damage, sort, etc., wet and dry rot, and fleas are also excluded by most measures. Then, floors, upholstery, picture, bubble wrap, etc. are not protected in most pockets. Many companies are mechanical protection to the age recommended for new boatsan additional premium.

When shopping for water sports insurance, we want the strategy is to understand age limits and shelter frontierations. Never, never, never cover your boat on the strategy of your own master. Forever buying a freestanding boat Strategy Note Rate minus. If you do then you should pass a liability or health, is connected to the boat, it will not make your home. A boat is just a toy, but we all need a home. If the boat rises or premium, the strategy is lostAfter a temporary, so be it. Moreover, they pay advertising or boat. Do not play over your home insurance master strategy.

Ask yourself, find yourself a few simple questions in order, if you have fully the concepts that have been through which we understand so far.

Plan Types

Value ordered or approved value

With this type of strategy, both the topics covered and the insurance carrier empire and thus the merit of the trunk and friendly hardware. Normally, earningsdiscovered by the dealers handle the allocation of new boats and NADA escort services or dealers handle lots of worn-out boats.

What is important with this type of strategy is to start and pass merit detailed procedures and pay the necessary premiums. The hull and all the friendly hardware have a length limit pound Age. If you add towers, bikini tops high-end stereo, weight logic or other accessories that are permanently attached, it is important to ensure that the animal shelter Hull Agethat the merit of that substance.

Actual cash value

With this type of strategy, the insurance clients, which is the boat worth the time of transfer. This means depreciation is a problem. Guests have a choice and replacing it with "the same way home" or pay the equivalent coins. This means that a wise, if the Internet, they find the selection of the trade for you or suggestions you have an equally dough products.

Of the two, I prefer aAllowed merit or imperial strategy is based on merit, in the response of a passing, there is no dispute about the merits of the disclosure.

Exclusions and deductibles

Got insurance? It is important to ensure the strategy to read tenderly that you all at the shelter during the periods for which you must pay. Many companies have certain compensation, such as injuries caused by underwater articles or injury as a response of freezing. Then you want an "all remote gambling" strategy withthe least potential exclusions.

Deductibles are regularly earning 2% of the trunk, but can be increased to reduce the premium. A good strategy is planned, the nautical Preview dispersed separately with their own, which can be as low as $ 100. Here, too, support that the age of consent is sufficient enough to replace a transfer with the same type and return home. This is very loyal, if you're a high-end preview have.

Liability Type

Liability protects home injuries and special damagesall except the press under the name and family members. He defends the names and just stays covered when designated in the name is found covered vulnerable. Check opening times

Age limit liability shelter opening times following years will see the type of accommodation you regularly with car insurance. Few understand, extends this kind of effusive adhesion.

For example, if your liability limits are 100/300/100, which means you have $ 100,000 of protection in each age grades, U.S. $ 300,000 inAge shelters per occurrence and $ 100,000 in the age of protection for home injury. So if you have five passengers in the boat, you need only U.S. $ 300,000 in protection between the ages of these five passengers wound. This is only U.S. $ 60,000 each. The more passengers on wood, reducing the protective qualities of each age.

Guard and

P & I is the daily and regularly is the cheapest form of liability protection years vacant. P & I offers a general age limit for the length of dough at home, liability andInjuries combined to pay the driver on your behalf. It also includes apologies prices. Then it is not relevant, how many people are busy. The shelter can work age limit to one passenger or 10

Towing Liability

Towing Liability protection is something drawn or dragged behind a mixing vessel. Liability for any strategy will need to be towed. Be sure to accept that these old houses is included in your strategy. Never imagine that it included in theStrategy of many companies are using this protection of age or more shots prohibit embrace.

Disaster military

Disaster protection of military age, is by many measures. The shelters dealer ship or immersed pranswerion transfer. In addition to protecting the water, towing and / or on the preview. Make sure that protection for towing with age may help you in the preview. This is the response of a vehicle accident, important or hinge or evil effects.


Pollution liability protection shipshape until the fuel or oil in the response of the impulsive and accidental disease. This is even more important than matching many state agencies for the military shipshape after an accident account.


Got insurance? An umbrella policy provides liability shelter Overkill age. It will be worth it, in your name for an event for which you are inclined than once all of the underlying policy limits are exhausted. Each boat ownerbelieve should be a. If you can present a "toy," then you may have assets that need protection, like a house, retirement process, the impending succession, etc. Umbrella policies are inexpensive, regularly about $ 150 - $ 400 per million of dough Shelter age.


Health Protection will pay for years of injuries, an injured qualities while the vessel or in the notice of default or minus basis. The senior age at the shelter, the better. I do not want minus the Council as$ 5,000.

Navigation keys

Read the strategy affectionate and make sure to understand the limits of navigation procedures for signature. Some of the water minus everyday language are browned (as five miles from the coast and nationally), and void of water (more than five miles) of land. With the use of this language regularly within limits normally used for marine and recreational fishing, boats, the trip to the international (non U.S.) of water. Most of the preview are boat navigation limits, such as certain"national lakes and waterways."

Survey for the kingdom and the region as well frontierations. These are restrictions on when the ship is protected. This is important if you live in California, for example, but you take your boat on Lake Powell in Arizona / Utah.

Lay Up Time

The lay-up phase is the period of time where you will put the ship and do not use. This is a regular ice cold. Many companies suggest discounts if you accept, lay up stage, but you have to cautious aboutYou certainly lay up stage time frame and do not place safely use the boat during this time. If you do, you may be missing age of consent.

Commercial Use

A special boat insurance policy is right, that particular use. You can not use it for handling the promotion, answers, teaching, charter, whether or not a fee is nullified. If you abstract it from your taxes, as do an article, then you're usually need a marketing strategy.


Most of the action names the hands ofShip. However, the ship, which refers to the liability, less the Note who he works his way. Companies only want driver's name and experience for rating purposes. This is where the guests to use relevant information on hand to discover a premium.

Endorsements and certificate holders

Got insurance? Many people belong to the exclusive lakes and skiing and then strikes are necessary to the strike, maritime strike force, sponsor or other entity covered as an additional name. Is this somethingYou need or something you predict the imminent need to ask whether it covered the potential for another name. Do be asking, what would the additional premium.


If you get yourself into a boat, be sure your name is on the label. You can not give the answer to your sweetheart, or a passing, if you are not a registered owner. You can be sued, but, as an unknown or silent owner and have no excuse for the protection of age in the strategy you will not be basedplanned.

When we begin to gather this information, it starts on the main idea of what make this topic.

Tags : ทำบุญวันเกิด robertulenk.blogspot.com rosesschad.blogspot.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Writing Life: Writing to Persuade Your Readers

Writing seems to flow, if you have a strong opinion.

Whether you write for like-minded readers, or readers you hope to convince you to locate the weak parts of your argument will help you and your readers.

1. Advantages and disadvantages. Suppose you hold the opposite view and all the benefits, the list of arguments. Now make a list of the advantages of the subject from your point of view. If list is more than two opposing views on a topic that all of them.

2. GatherEvidence. For each service to find support by recognized authorities. If you find no support, just as it seemed a valid point may have no basis in reality. They can be eliminated and the focus on strengths.

3. Think it through. Know your prejudices carefully. Are your main points of broad, sweeping claims or narrow-minded statements? Have you listed statistical facts, opinions of recognized leaders, or unsupported statements from sources that can not be more thana non-expert opinion? You must contact us with much more evidence for a claim with language such as: a majority, or support all before.

4. Study your writing trends. You see, what you have written before. As you have framed your arguments? Did you create analogies, appeals to the authority, compassion, or ignorance or generalizations? Have used these techniques your readers? If you have something you wrote long ago, has your opinion changed on this issue? Ifthere are areas in which you write your assumptions or weak? What can you do in your current project to avoid those weaknesses?

5. Are they fair? If you challenge the beliefs of an enemy or a group of people, your statements about it exactly? Make sure the differences in perspective floor and refrain from personal attacks. Avoid phrases like, has no merit.

6. Do your homework. Double and triple check the facts. VerifySupporting material is relevant to the making of you. If you try to convince a reader of an opinion or a reader of it, carrying a different opinion, you need to know all sides of an issue. Anyone can enlighten vent on one side, but if you want to commit, or to convince your readers, you need to understand the reader thinking. You can disagree with someone and still respect.

If an issue important enough to write, then it's worth the time takenResearch and development of a deeper understanding. Often your own thinking becomes clearer, which makes your writing stronger.

Related : ทำบุญวันเกิด joelpbradford.blogspot.com briankspires.blogspot.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Negotiate Your Salary At A New Job

They were tireless and job search, you finally found something. A company called you and you a new job. Great! Good luck on the first day! Wait, let's take a minute.

There are things to consider before you adopt the new job. Nobody likes to be job hunting, so many people jump on a job, even if they are not sure what they really want.

And they do not necessarily ask more money. They are afraid if they wil do the jobbe reversed, and it will return to send applications and cover letters to a number of other companies.

Let's say you have done your homework, take on your back to work, you aced the interview questions and this is definitely the work for you. Great.

But let us accept the fact that they do not want what they are prepared to enter the forefront to offer. For most men never discuss the difficulty level if they have a job offer. Now, change the over.

If you have done theLooking for a job the right way, you should be very aware of the salary for this position.

If you do not know, do your homework, you read in web sites, etc. You need to know the usual rates.

Learn how this company gives raises - how much is based on the cost of living adjustments, and how much you can expect, based on merit and work to be done.

Find these above or below the industry average? How many times can you expect, throws? Every six months? Once aYears? How does this compared to the industry average?

) When negotiating salary at a new job (or higher for a raise you need to know these things. You can not just ask for x amount or increase a certain size.

You must match the information that the company that you are worth showing to be prepared that much money.

Make a list of attributes, the things that you bring to the company that you are worth x amount per year. You sell your skills of the enterprise, onlyas if you sell a product at high prices, a potential customer.

They will not even buy it and pay what you want, just because you tell them that the price you want to's.

Go into salary negotiations with the correct data and you justify a presentation and report what you want to do, and you'll be a much better chance of getting the content you want.

My Links : ทำบุญวันเกิด charlotterhogsett.blogspot.com madeleinevglynn.blogspot.com bettyefcole.blogspot.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Control Dog Whining

Dogs howl for a variety of reasons. By understanding the causes of the dog whine, you can follow some simple steps to take unwanted lamentations of your dog in control.

Why Dogs Whine?

If your dog whines, she will meet you there. They want you to know that there is something that it is fit for a variety of reasons. Your dog may not feel comfortable. Your dog may feel lonely and want your company. Your dog may fear and called for help.

How to Control Dog or StopWhining

If your dog is whining, because you're not at home, they may be suffering from separation anxiety. This is a relatively simple fix dog behavior. They should start conditioning your dog to your leaving the house and come back after a short time, say 5 minutes.

Do not make a big deal out of your departure. No excited to adopt good-bye and good girl. When you come back, do not pay attention to your dog when you logged in law to walk as if you straight into the next room fora few minutes, and that your re-entry, if your dog is not merit a fanfare.

If you are departing or to make a theater again, you are in fact say that, you dog, what you are doing or the fact that you have returned, is of enormous importance. This will wail give an even greater urgency in your dog, as she now "knows" that you are away something you thrill at the causes, so they need to tell you that they notice it and want youthere.

This extension of time of your absence to 15 minutes, then 30 minutes, then an hour, then 3 hours, does not proceed until your dog on your return or departure. If you have reached this separation anxiety, you will hit your dog and the whining will stop.

Your dog may also indicate a behavior to complain if they just want your attention. If she complains, and you respond by treating them, plays with her and petting her, your dog has beenvery successful in training you! She was to pack only the captain and the dominant member of the dog.

This is exactly the opposite of the appropriate pack pecking order. It is important to reaffirm itself as the leader of the dog pack

One way to control this type of dog whine your dog is easy to ignore. If they do not get the desired response to your immediate attention when she whines, she will soon tire of this approach and you have established control over yourWhining dog.

If your dog is whining in, you should give her a firm command such as "No!". Let them know about your voice and never through physical punishment, that dog lament, unacceptable and must cease. Another approach is to shake is a great stone, and make a loud unpleasant noises. This acoustic suspension, it is very uncomfortable, your dog will associate her whining with the unpleasant noise and stop whining is ..

Even dogs howl when they want to come and go inward oroutside. If your dog whines to go outside to the doggy's outbuildings, the OK button in this case, your dog tells you she needs to relieve himself. In this type of dog whining to occur should you say "good dog" in order to appreciate your dog to alert you that you need them. Always use the same words and in the same tone. Your dog may not understand your human language, but it will link the sound of your voice and the words you speak in a way that reinforces what inthis case is a desired action.

Another approach to control whining in your dog is to focus their attention on the cause of the whining about something more suitable. Is she whines, you could ask if they "come" to you or to remain "on." If she responds to your commands, you could then reward their donors.

Dogs and puppies whine when they are hungry or bored. Puppies want food as well as adult dogs and need exercise and want. Be sure to give your dog plenty of exercise dailyBefore lamenting the opportunity has to begin. Your dog may be tired and happy, and the prospect of kicking up a fuss with a dog whining will lose its attractiveness.

As mentioned above, never, never, never strike or physically punish your dog at all times. Physical abuse of dogs is not only inhuman and punishable, but it is counterproductive. An abused dog is accelerated and intense displays of undesirable behavior as a dog, who was working with in a calm, loving and appropriateTraining environment.

Finally, dogs may howl for no apparent reason to be signaled to you that they are sick or injured. Not ignoring you complain that dog is inexplicable. Take your dog to a vet immediately to determine whether it needs an injury or illness, the treatment.

Related : ทำบุญวันเกิด davidgleblancs.blogspot.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Experience The Songkran Festival Or The Thai New Year

Get the chance to experience and participate in the traditional Thai activities of people during the Songkran Festival or the Thai New Year, a four-day activity in the month of April each year. Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike are invited to go to the temple and the testimony of various activities, eat, drink, and throw water. The four-day activity consists of the following:

12. April - that is, as Wan Sungkharn Lohng. Thais for that day and cleaned the housegeneral preparation for the new year. However, if you are in Chiang Mai, this is the day when the Songkran procession. The train consists of figures of Buddha and attendants on floats nicely accompanied with beautiful decorations of the locals and singers. After the procession or parade, please follow the water fight.

13. April is the day Wan Nao. This is the day where you happen to make cooked food and keep it for the Buddhist merit-what on the followingDay. On the other hand, activity is at the Wat Prasingh continue and locals go to the banks of the Mae Ping River in the evening to collect sand and deposit it in heaps adorned with flowers in the temple.

14. April is the third day of the festival and will be called as Wan Payawan. That day is when the big New Year's celebration to do the early morning with people to start making something for themselves on the temples. Canned foods are cooked, the other days areoffered. Other than preserved or cooked food items offered at the temples are fresh fruits, the monks' robes and other offerings. People from home on the other side, perform the final cleaning of Buddha shown with the use of scented water.

15. April, the fourth and final day of the festival is also known as Wan Parg bpee said. Tribute to this day, with locals paid off ancestors, elders, and another person who deserves the respect due to their age by the situation. This is alsoso-called "Rohd Nam Songkran ', which means the casting of Songkran Water'. While irrigation water for older people want, good luck are also spoken.

The people of Chiang Mai during these days to celebrate the last day of celebration and accusing each other with water. Residents of Chiang Mai dedicated on this day, have some fun.

Once in a position with the locals in Thailand celebrates Songkran Festival will join surely an unforgettable experience for you.Songkran is one of the festivals in Thailand, you should not miss, because its rich religious and recreational activities, and it only happens in Thailand. Other places could be their own festivals as well, but is very different from Songkran. If you use the experience of the Songkran Festival, in advance, to book accommodation and festival tour in advance, so that when the day of the festival, you will not be problems with hotel bookings and festival tour packagesbecause it sure is a lot of tourists come to Thailand to witness the Songkran Festival.

My Links : ทำบุญวันเกิด annsbweaver.blogspot.com judyfvasques.blogspot.com ashleypschweitzer.blogspot.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

In Sync and In Health

Last month I presented three examples of synchronicity with jogging, running and racing. I suggested that you should run the kind of model you want for your business: the 'random' lone series of joggers in the park that are not synchronized, because they have no reason to decide the "pack" in the runners as they synchronize to chat and run, or race, where runners synchronize in silence, until one breaks and sprints. The random jogger "model seems too risky - who wants"Persons"? We call them loose cannon, maverick, not a team player. But I suggested that you suspend sentence. Perhaps it makes sense to include in their individuality, finally, are the random joggers, the best of themselves, as opposed to 'pack', which look like a team, but can, by definition, some people who perform in the framework to can allow for this, the 't run as fast. Strictly speaking, and looked through the lens of the department, the reality is that the "packaging" of waste containing more than"random" model.

Finally, there is the "race", an image that clicks emotionally with our concept of the aggressive pace of company life. But while it sounds good, the majority of the runners in the race spend their time watching each and pace themselves to ensure that they avoid burn-out before the last round.

The world of synchronization is one that has much to say to us, from an organizational point of view. The analogies above are primitive, but hopefully thought-provoking. Lessprimitive is Steven Strogatz's book, "Sync: The emerging science of spontaneous order" that my idea of jogging, but is also full of other stories. The new science, as he calls it, is fascinating. The biology is an endless source of mysterious synchronicity. Advanced computing and mathematics - Strogatz's home ground - then come to understand the attempt to the "laws", so far with little success. How is it, ideas in development - whether or not a science - the important questionsthan the answers.

Here are some examples. Crickets make noise when you sync, how can assert my Mediterranean roots. Why? Who is responsible? Who decides that instead of hundreds of random noise, only one? Who's the leader?

The brain has its own rhythms; neurons are synchronized, but how? Where is the neuron command center? Specialized cardiac muscle cells fire in sync (arrhythmias) and if a sync has problems, the whole body) is a problem (arrhythmia. As they come insync? There are no "core" or center, which dictates the synchronicity. Fireflies, and some fish are popular examples of Sync fans.

At the level of human behavior, which I think we could call raises "the confusion to a higher level," we synchronize, without even thinking about it. At the end of an orchestral performance in a large hall, clap their hands, hundreds of people
and creates a single synchronous noise. Can you imagine the scenario of out-of-sync, random clappingAt the end of a concert? But as we do, how we can synchronize so effortlessly? Traffic experts who are regular computer simulations aware that even a few cars on the motorway chaos when they synchronize, they can more easily) create similar "blocks" (the 'pack' do joggers.

They acknowledged the confusion even greater, we touch sociology - fashions. Why in the world, millions of people in the 1970s have played with a Rubik's Cube? Why a special kind of pants are worn byShanghai to Palermo? Who decides that?

Sociology cousin, the "science of social networks, has some of the statements, but not all. An interesting perspective on this is offered by the actor Alan Alda on a weblog or website. It suggests that if we could understand how fads in the world to flood, from jeans to junk food, from verbal remarks to "ideas", then we could reverse-engineer the process and learn the laws. Perhaps we might put them to good causes, for example, convincing millionsPeople to wear condoms to prevent the spread of HIV, or used in other preventive measures against disease.

Emerging Sciences

The interesting thing is that the answers are no longer with the individual disciplines. Sociology and biology, the brain must now Computational Mathematics. People who live in traffic control, insect behavior, brain surgery, marine biology, mass communication and politics - who do not "talk" to each other - have traditionally been gradually achieving"Synchronicity" and other emerging sciences. We are quick to go back to philosophy in the original sense, but this time with a mathematics degree.

Sometimes, synchronicity fascinating phenomena explained at the end is, in other cases there is no good explanation. Between these two extremes is the case of apparent synchronization of menstrual rhythms of women, living together or working. Experiments with students and roommates have confirmed what has for many years, only an esotericFaith: synchronize the end of menstrual rhythms of women in close contact. It is not exactly in calendar terms, but gradually close the day of menstrual period is statistically significant. In this case, pheromones seem to be the vehicles for communication.

Organizational Style

So we live in sync, sort of. If this is true, then it is natural for us to have built a life around organizational sync. I told you, we want to pack and races. Our managementLanguage is built around sync: Let's have a "common sense", a team player, be on the same page, alignment of individual and corporate goals, singing the same song, are organized, cohesive, etc. And what is wrong with that? Not much. It is certainly better than the alternative, and I can not think of any CEO preaching the opposite. But the question is, it is always good? Is there a limit? Is there an organizational focus on pathology of over-over-the cohesion and team spirit? These canbe politically incorrect questions, but remember my jogger? There is merit in some non-aligned, random jogging?

I would like to point out that, although sync organizational life intrinsic value, we can have it overdone. Why all project teams must be constructed in the same way to make progress in the same form and with the same frequency, even if they are two completely different things? Other than the convenience of managing a synchronized 'a rush --Organization ", which the credit, and more importantly, what the liability?

Teamocracy what I call current organizational life, is always the best examples and questions. Why is it that we have synchronized team life around an event called 'team meeting'? Since our meetings are social pheromones? Picture this sync that I'm sure you are familiar with. "The meeting happens quickly. Frenetic, we need an agenda, e-mails for the input, prepare forestPowerPoint, read important documents the night before in the plane. The meeting takes place, is the climax reached, notes are taken. Then relax, go home, back to the office, nothing happens really, activity is low, there is a gap, an organizational nap for a few weeks. Hey, when is the next meeting? In two weeks? Here we go again, here comes the agenda, we want the actions to back a highlight of the frenetic activity. Thereafter, the same story was drawing to the activity curve up to aasymptotic existence ...

We live an organizational (teamocratic) life in waves. I bet I can be a graphical representation of information flow and activities to draw in an organization (and I've got the tools of social network analysis!), The looks like an electrocardiogram, the peaks are the social pheromone of the "Meeting". There is tremendous waste in the above-sync of, say, the development of new products. If, in principle, what you want is a constant flow of information, knowledge, decisions and actions,The logical thing is to ban "meetings", the killing of de facto "social pheromone. Absurd? Okay, let's re-defining" meetings ". Of all the technical exchange of information, make decisions and disciplinary actions are pursued, may 90 % Set to be done online with collaborative tools that work 365 days a year., updates can be written again and again as a weblog. The project is the traffic directly, time limits for decisions to seek input, call people on the phone, if necessary . A highlyprofessional, scientific and technical team will communicate and work seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Forget e-mails, I speak of a rolling (web log) and an On-Demand Update on a collaboration tool. If this team ever taken? Say yes, but for different reasons: the main purpose of the meeting will, I dare socially. To start to learn to understand each other, different work styles, listen to company presentations, ask the boss to receive verbal communication on the strategy and progress;Practice brain to brain-via-mouth-to-ear cause tacit knowledge. There are no decisions at this meeting, which had not been made before, the people concerned with the relevant information.

The virtual meeting

A better way would be to declare that "the meeting" takes place all the time - that "the meeting" 24 hours a day. Who does what should be clearly defined who is making the decisions, should be familiar with what information, who is responsiblefor what is clearly defined. Occasionally you meet face to face, but the agenda does not contain any "operational" issues, because they have been treated. Scary: A few random joggers do their best, no waste, and occasionally a "package" called by the leader, but only when and with whom is required. Would executives sit down with a 24-hour joggers?

I invite you now to imagine a new, that other "social pheromone" in the organization, such as the annual budget cycle, the artificial and oftenDrivers interfering in business. Collect whole armies of managers and employees on a regular basis, such as migratory birds, ready to change the numbers to numbers, they prepare again and to change them again. The means is sometimes the end, it's exhaustion, as glorified strategic planning.

When my son would say, we can fix the problem? Yes we can. Budgeting is an annual plan, which suffers from over-sync syndrome. What's more than 365 days, other than an artificial cut-off special? It is a very long timeCycle, anyway. If you simulate mathematically a budget, use a so-called "pulse function", which means once a year to inject money into (the peak of pulse) and do not repeat the process until the next year. With such a long gap, all events and activities are grouped around the pulse. You start spending after the first pulse and to go to zero or approximately just before the next one. This is often forced to postpone all decisions, including strategic ones, until thenext financial year.

Imagine now that your budget is the cycle, say, 100 days. You will receive a "pulse function", all 100 days, instead of every 365th The risk of delaying decisions are now much lower, you're playing with relatively shorter cycles budget. People who have made this a much more agile organization that is more real, where resources and portfolio options are repeatedly made experiments to maximize cost savings. With the dissolution of the traditional sync (annual cycle) Manage YourUse resources more efficiently.

As far as I can see, and advocates agree that the only reason why we do not do so because of the traditional accounting and Wall Street demands. It would be too much effort, they say. But of course there is nothing to 100-day cycles to avoid, even if the accounts they have legions in the 365-days to translate. It's just one of those ideas that will quickly become mad, without seriously thinking about it, to dismiss the benefits.


The crux of cycles over-Sync Project and artificial budget is that we have fixed ideas about organizational life, most artificial synchronization run, which mainly seem to suit management. Only the exercise of avoidance of sync and explore what organizational life want to synchronize with another, and a synchronous rhythms are looking for is revealing. Project management or product development, for example, could run "asynchronously", the very nature adaptedClass or life cycle of products. That makes more sense than the synchronized 'all projects, all samples or products meeting the ritual of a committee for the development. Of course it is more complex and demanding for top management. But the question is, what is more important? Senior management convenience or the life of a project? In my experience, the former winning in many organizations.

The broader context of the "rhythm" in the organizational life is worth at, too.Rhythms are a socio-biological phenomenon (as well as a physics-one) and are very much connected to rituals. Social anthropology has not been a dent in the world business organization, but we can learn a lot from it. Most of the organizational life phenomena such as the dynamics of power and authority, the establishment and protection of areas or rites of passage have more in common with tribal life more than any other conventional approach taught in the class of Organizational Behaviora business school. We have reason to believe that there is a "science of management" that can be learned or taught, but in reality this is not more than one field of applied psychology, social psychology, sociology and anthropology. Plug in some modern economy, and by that I mean the behavior and not as a traditional business, and you should be a good curriculum for an MBA has concluded. Emergent "sciences", as the synchronicity or networks, the traditional disciplines have a much greater future thanAdministrative vehicles for the modern business organization than the traditional areas of, say, operations management and the traditional human resources.

Good vibrations

A healthy organization must be reviewed at regular intervals to their rhythms and to assess how much sync it needs. Too much sync may look good as "orientation" and "good governance" but it may have more built in than you think of the inefficiency. A slightly asynchronous organization may be more difficult to manage or lead to, but itcould be more effective, allowing for various individual and team-rhythms. Over the years I have made a point of business organization that looks terribly well organized and focused suspicious if, say, the CEO of the objectives cascade down to look pristinely linked to the troops, and all goals and geometric. A typical example is when the boss put the goals in your own goals, and seen the critical success factors, while your team goals, which has aTranslation of you, and so on. The idea is that when speaking at a low level employees, we could track the target system again and again to the CEO. Great on paper. I've never seen that in practice, and I still have one person who seriously believes in the system to be found.

This may seem an extreme example of a overaligned or above-sync-organization, but there are other, less obvious examples out there. If a business organization behaves like an army, you have to question whether theHave selected people in the law profession.

My Links : ทำบุญวันเกิด charlotterhogsett.blogspot.com raymondywhites.blogspot.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Good Activities For Children With Autism

Here is a great inspiration and fun activities for autistic children:

1. You could play with him in a swimming pool. Make a game or a splash of kick game. Get some simple pool toys or beach toys such as beach ball, floating rings, etc. Sing a song, so he could swim with the beat and relax. Remember to keep a good eye on the child while in a pool.

2. In a class, you can print a few pictures of food, sports, go to the bathroom, sleep and everything that happened in Mayhis daily life. Let's make him a schedule for himself, he should be that activity, such as children with autism take constant schedules very seriously. And if they followed the schedule every day is interrupted, it will ruin their day badly.

3. Big tupperware items stuffed with rice and beans will be fun, you can leave small toys in themselves and have the autistic child stuck his hand into the rice or beans to find them. The game could make a mess, but they would love it.

4. Sensory play is widelyproposed to. You could take the child to a children's museum, if there is nearby. Frequently it will be something that could interest of the child.

5. Are the target of actions with a clear beginning, middle and end is always good for children with autism, because they, like rules, the organization and structure. Gymanasitics is a common game that autistic children do well, as it has in less reliance on language (children with autism often) very little communication skills, but a lot of carsMovement and imitation.

6. If music can soothe the child, you can save different tools to introduce him, with music playing softly in the background. You can learn different rhythms and drum him.

7. There are several therapeutic riding groups that you can participate, the children can learn to feed and take care of horses in their teaching.

8. Every child with autism is different, you should find out his likes and dislikes, and continue to do the things heseems to enjoy.

Hope this helpful!

Friends Link : ทำบุญวันเกิด matthewafulmer.blogspot.com rosesschad.blogspot.com raymondywhites.blogspot.com

วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Void - Verbal Abuse in the Workplace

One of the reasons that abuse - verbal abuse in the form of cruel, degrading and negative judgments and criticisms, gossip, bullying and other types of verbal attacks - is widespread in the workplace is peoples lack of conversation skills, the kind of skills that help you to to talk to the other openly, honestly and respectfully, about what is really important. People who feel in their own skin, able to hear and understand aware that on effective communication skills andWho are able to speak and express themselves, who can discuss difficult topics with a sense of lightness and grace are healthier than those who cannot.

At work, people who say they have healthy relationships with supervisors, direct reports, employees and other stakeholders experience less stress, burnout rustout, and physical, emotional and mental fatigue.

The reason that this dialogue with good skills have fewer complaints because they are able, through problems, conflicts and workDifferences, a healthy manner that will not attack back, and to reduce a-Upping, humiliating dismissal, labeling, damaging insults, ridicule, verbal or others.

It is for the conscious organization, team, department, unit or group to examine how it generates and supports the power of dialogue. A deliberate confrontation with the power of dialogue calls to interact managers, supervisors and team leaders, for example, to examine openly, as the people together. ForFor example, employees allowed, even encouraged to speak their minds? People are asked and encouraged to share information so that he sees the light of day by all (if any)? If all parties asked for their input on important decisions? Thu, managers, supervisors, team leaders and their direct reports to ask: What do you think? early and often? In essence, get to be by your organization, department or team strengthening effect in healthy people and conversation and dialogue?Does your company practice and his team and consciously value and support, open and honest dialogue?

Where there is no way to talk, talk, ask questions and help engage, there is a void. Where people lack the skills to dialogue effectively, there is a void. And employees, like nature, abhors a vacuum. If a caller is present void, if your company or team inhibits open and honest communication, or does not support the empowerment of employees to beeffective communicators, be sure your employees find a way to fill it. Unfortunately, the method is to use many people to fill the void are more often than not self-defeating and self-sabotage, the organization or the team rumors, gossip, complaining, nit-picking, the guilt, bitching, moaning, blaming, and by and by lying.

So, it is so. The center, which holds the pivotal point at which your company is based or teams positive energy and vitality, is effectiveCommunication and dialogue. If your employees engage with heart and mind, open and honest, common meaning is the result. Healthy communication creates a healthy relationship and create healthy relationships with a healthy team and a healthy organization.

So, our $ 10 food for thought questions are:

· Trust you agree?

· Hear you listening?

· Do you have other questions: What do you think? regularly?

· You make it safe forothers speak?

· You need to find one or more of the following road closures place to communicate effectively when people speak to you: consulting, one-Upping, education, history tells us interrogate the shutdown of the to the other to repair the other's , the correction of the other side? If so, why?

· Do you find it difficult to be present to another?

· How do you feel when you think that you will be heard no more?

· Do your colleagues and friends sayThey are a good listener? Have you ever wondered?

· Does your ruling of labeling or other kill dialogue?

· Do you allow ideas on their own merit, regardless of who provides the ideas are?

· Have you checked the messenger and the message? If so, why?

· Their conversation is interrupted by more style points or by a question mark? Why?

· Do you have enough time for dialogue in your workday?

(c) 2007, Peter G. Vajda, Ph.D. andSpirit Heart. All rights in all media reserved.

Visit : ทำบุญวันเกิด sheridancait.blogspot.com redsclint.blogspot.com davidgleblancs.blogspot.com

วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What To Eat To Lose Weight

I `m thick. Well, I was until I figured out what to eat weight.The good news is that we can lose both do something about it.
Bear with me while I was a little bit in history to sink here.
During the 80 `s I was 20-30yo. I was very active in
Sport and my work was very manual.
I was (and still) 180cms (5ft 11in) and a well-built 85kgs (185lbs) are.
When the garbage collector during the day and my 3 days / week training
Regime for soccer, I was very fit.

When I had my 30 `s I have my referenceStomach growing.
Through a combination of cutting down my training and the implementation
of automation in my work was no longer necessary to run to me
behind a garbage truck more.

I left the job for a position in the hotel industry a manger of a bar.
Now let me tell you, pub food and easy access to alcohol is not a good mix.
The pounds piled on. I was blind to it, of course.
First, I have reached 90 kg, then 95th I stayed at 95kgs for the next 4 years andWe accept this
than my normal weight. Afterall, my father and brother are both over 100 kg
and genetics was my excuse for this.

I had the idea in the effort to lose weight to play
but the pain of doing it, was greater than the gain.
Was, until I stepped on the scales of a month ago out of curiosity
and almost fell over ..... 102kgs (225lbs).
Do you have any idea what it feels like with 3 points on a scale.
Maybe you have to do. It is good tear(Pardon the pun).

My search was. I scoured everywhere for a way to get my weight kg under 100.
I had to figure out what to eat to lose weight
Nothing, until ... I came across a book. I downloaded it and read it
and thought it was deserved.
I have nothing of it until a week later, when I read it again.
This time the light came on. "I can do that," I thought. It's easy.

The strategies were a piece of cake (I did) eat cake.
The most difficultPart was not there, "she said.
After 21 days of starting this I have lost 7.5kgs (17lb).
I have to lose yet another 8kgs.
My goal weight 87kgs.All the gurus tell me I was 80kg for my height
but that will not happen with my body and bone structure.
I will be comfortable at 87kgs. I will then return to the situation
and decide whether 2 or 3 more to come from.

Already aware of my work colleagues have not only the difference in my size
but myBehavior has changed.
Energy is high (my wife is happy), and I have noticed an improvement
my concentration and decision making.

Want to know the real bonus, however? I eat what I ate before.
Here is an example of what I've eaten the last 7 days.


Toast with butter and peanut butter


Chicken Parmigiani with vegies


Jam Tart

Coffee withSugar


Porterhouse Steak

Lollies (I love `em)


All the things I have admired for many years yet eaten.

There is a point I mention. The book states that no strenuous exercise should be taken.
Because of my competitive nature, I have not hit the pavement 3 times per week.
Nothing dramatic, mind you. I hardly get a sweat up though.
Actually, I almost had a jog for a stroll, that `s how slow I am arrestedgo.

Seriously people, this is a breeze.
It's simple little book has changed my life for the better.
Everything you did was guide me what to eat to lose weight.

Recommend : ทำบุญวันเกิด shawncalliop.blogspot.com robertthansens.blogspot.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Beauty Of Simple Crochet

Many people who sits at the word crochet, instantly conjure the image of an elderly woman on a chair, crochet hook held in arthritic fingers as she invents another table doily. Many older women seem to have an innate ability to crochet, simply because it is a tradition passed down from generation to generation. And while most families will not be on the art of crochet much more to happen, there is merit in this peaceful, beautiful activity.

Today, simpleCrochet patterns are a part of any number of designs. From home decor to fashion today is the addition of simple crochet - either the full version or as an additional link - make an item truly unique. Its delicate look makes simple crochet suitable for any number of designs, so you can find it on everything from tablecloths, clothes and purses.

Then see the eyes of the world continue to Hollywood to seek what the bear young, rich and famous,we see the resurgence of simple crochet as a fashion statement. Suddenly, simple crochet patterns are to beat the red carpet at movie premieres and awards shows as movie stars make their fashion statements with these classic designs.

Back in the real world, where the newest and best designers are not at the fingertips, we still buy a variety of items, crochet simply the function. A beautiful evening bag made from simple crochet can be an elegant touch to any evening. Or any numberClothing designs - can be found both formal and casual - with simple crochet.

For those who want to learn the art of simple crochet, you need go no further than your local craft store. There you can all the teaching materials you need to find as well as the physical materials you need such as yarn and hook. In many cases you can even schedule the classes where experts in simple crochet, you can teach the basics.

Learning simple crochet will benefit you inso many possibilities. Not only will you be rewarded with a lifelong hobby and skill. But you'll be able to be any number of creations only limited by your imagination. Touched by household appliances, beautiful gifts to enable a simple crochet the ordinary, extraordinary.

Recommend : ทำบุญวันเกิด ronaldroneil.blogspot.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Bill Farley's Introduction of Super Tonic Zrii

1976 is the year in which William Farley, chairman and owner of Farley Industries headquarters in Chicago, IL and former CEO of Fruit of the Loom, seized the company, Anaheim Citrus Products, that he had bought for the first time ever. In the same year he turned out to be a part owner of the Chicago White Sox and in 1977 gave him Baumfolder, a subsidiary of Bell and Howell was.

Now, Mr. Farley is named on the eve of the introduction of a new Nutraceutical home business opportunity Zrii, though,the process of getting started as early as the time when he was first introduced by the Chopra Center and came to know about Amalaki. Worth to mention, Bill Farley acquaintance with the Chopra Center has for many years. A full endorsement of the Chopra Center and the ancient mystery Amalaki Zrii super tonic to make something special.

Amalaki merit is as versatile as you can hardly imagine. Amalaki, which is found usually on the basis of the PristineHimalaya Mountains, can do much good for the cellular renewal, the immune system and increases vitality and as a consequence, in the body of Ayurveda, it is considered second to none, what the order of importance.

As far as concerns the fruits, so Amalaki vitality is as important as anything and is often called "nurse", "Great Rejuvenator", "Fruit of Immortality" for its ability to all-round development for the people. For his immense importance it has its ownHolidays, when families take their meals sitting under this tree extend their gratitude for this fruit.

While tasting Zrii, Amalaki, the purity and quality of six other potent herbs can be understood. As far as Ayurveda is concerned, the nature or quantity is to eat or drink in order to be measured by its quality, to revive "the tongue." The combination of Amalaki, the main six other herbs and rich juices such as grape, cranberry and raspberry result of their specialties, andNutrition complexity provides unique and exciting flavor.

Recommend : merits birthday jessicammichaels.blogspot.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Build Rapport the Easy Way

Here I will deal with how to build effective relationships with a new perspective. I will also look at some traditional rapport building techniques and why they may in fact be harmful to your overall approach. I'm not going to deal with body language and subconscious communication techniques.

Traditional Methods

The traditional (old-style) techniques is largely based on the seller making small talk with the customer, ie how was your weekend? Do you have thematch? or an old favorite, How's business?

The theory behind this is that through dialogue and non-threatening contact to ask questions about the prospects, the seller is able to enjoy the view and open, to obtain. Another perceived benefit of this approach is that the chance of contributing to the sellers in these first meetings like.

Although it can sometimes be his merit, these techniques, many sellers were either embarrassed or do it even worseovercook it and tried the prospect's best friend. Another factor against the use of this technology in the B2B environment is time not to make a seller simply much time for anything other than talk about investing business. It is likely that only a shot at pitching for this business, so you have to spend any meaningful face time.

So what is rapport building, anyway?

Put simply, is building a relationship over the administration of the view that confidence in you, the confidenceSeller

Confidence to trust you that understand their business

Confidence-confidence that you can understand their problems

Confidence to trust you that handle their account

The trust, the trust that you overcome all problems

So, if not start building rapport?

It begins before you take to meet the client, do your homework, learn as much as you can about their business. Rather than impressed about their business in accordance with the traditional approach of askingon the prospect that you have the big thing that they saved and how last month that it slightly to the business impact.

How to build rapport in the first session?

After introducing yourself and your company, use the next few minutes to show what you are about their business, try to stay away from the hand. Do not be afraid of the prospect that you have done some research to tell. This will be all right, what's going to be is important that you have taken the time to findout.

Next, try to really understand where they are as a company? Where do they see themselves going in the future? Have you planned any new products? new markets? etc etc to show that you are interested in the big picture, not just the piece that applies to you and your product.

NLP Neuro-linguistic programming

NLP is an advanced form of relationship building that works on a subconscious level. It is a complex issue and requires much practice to perfect. With NLPbuild rapport, which is based on the concept is based on consistent feel in other words, we the people better people we are similar. The NLP Practitioner attempts to slow the body language and gestures of the prospect game, the tome, the pace of their voice, even the words they use. As I said earlier, while the actual need, NLP Master of his time, and whoever is interested should go to a course or read more about the subject.

It is easy

Prospects often want to trust that a sellerthey can offer a solution, but until your vendor to provide this evidence.

Do your homework about the company

Demonstrate that you know a lot about their business

And questions over the bit that relates to your product

If you have developed all three, you will receive an initial relationship with the prospect and all a good start to a possible sale.

Visit : merits birthday salenacathry.blogspot.com

วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Houston Schools New Teacher Merit Pay Program - Will It Help or Hinder?

Measurement of student achievement through rigorous national tests has a standard in Texas for many years. Houston schools have conducted their first merit pay program for teachers in 2000.

Houston schools believe the old program was too deep and incentives unanimously passed the new model in January, making it the largest merit pay program in the nation. The officials believe the new program rewards teachers more committed to students and improvingindividual teacher's efforts. Although no research has been conducted on the impact of such programs to improve student performance, were other programs in New York, Denver and Kentucky tried with varying success.

Houston entrepreneurs who have an interest in the completion of future employees who are service providers to support $ 14.5 million of the new Houston schools "-have program.

Houston school teacher incentives are on three components:

• The first component is based on the amountimproving the public school, a test results, as with the results of 40 other schools across the state with similar demographic composition;

• The second compares student progress with the 10 Stanford Achievement Test and its Spanish equivalent for students in the same classrooms and schools, Houston

• The third component compares student progress with the national Texas assessment of knowledge and skills to demonstrate similar Houston schools classrooms.

About half of the 12,300Teachers in schools, Houston claim to have received awards in all three categories, possibly a total of $ 3000 per deserve. The 305 schools, Houston authorities are entitled to as much as $ 6,000 each earn if they can reach the best teachers. Each of the 19 schools, Houston "executive head teacher and five regional superintendents are for up to $ 25,000 in consideration.

With 210,000 children, Houston schools, the largest district in the state, and its new program is not withoutOpposition.

Teachers unions are usually charged against teachers merit programs, and the Houston Federation of Teachers is no exception. The Union represents 40 percent of the schools, teachers and Houston believes across-the-board raises and a higher wage-price for new teachers would be more successful in raising student achievement scores. Houston schools new teachers start at $ 36,050 (the lowest in the top ten counties in Texas), and the wages of current Houston schools, teachersare at the lower end of the school in the country.

Many teachers have complained that the program deals with art teachers, and other subjects not covered by the testing process. The program includes special education, preschool and kindergarten teachers who are the backbone for improving the academic performance of children from families with low incomes. In addition, many teachers believe that forcing them to participate in the testing requirement rather than focusing on teaching real academicPerformance.

The new program has also opened up old wounds and increases the tension in the final merit pay program and its effect on the test results that are the basis for a suspended recently laid fraud scandal. The Texas Education Agency investigated the Houston schools and other districts in 1999 because of suspicious test results. Houston schools approved last year found that evidence of fraud was at four schools and testing irregularities were found at sevenother. Finally, six teachers were dismissed and more clients have been demoted or reprimanded, leave the city and frustrated by the merit pay program and its ensuing crush results.

Although the new Houston schools, teacher merit pay program sounds good in theory, it seems that it has expanded in practice the same old problems with the previous program.

This information is brought to you by Houston schools www.schoolsk 12.com

Thanks To : ทำบุญวันเกิด judyfvasques.blogspot.com

วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Merit Pay For Teachers - How Will It Work?

Merit pay for teaching has an unfulfilled goal of many educational advocates for decades. There are examples that show it works elsewhere in the country.

What about the private, entrepreneurial segments of America? Do they use to identify rewards for exemplary performance, and motivate the quality? An outstanding performance measure in manufacturing is the productivity of employees. The more power a worker produces in a given period, the higher is the productivity ratio,increase with the possibility for profit. In retail, customer focus is a crucial measure of the administration. The health sector study trials used to reach for success through quality improvement of the quality of life of patients and prolongs life. As diverse as these three companies, disclaims any worldly remain competitive by reducing errors. Isolate Through research and testing, they initiate those areas of operation, where most errors occur, and reduce practices, these errors, withMerit rewards as the main incentive.

Although somewhat simplified, it might be useful to identify the best techniques to aid this employment segments with error reduction.

Goal Setting: In a continuous process in place to isolate error-prone activities, goals that are observable and specific, communicated in written form and explained that all involved in the reduction of error rate. Vague goals are easy to reach, but useless.

Computer-aided technology use: CreateSoftware and / or hardware for the relief tasks of a repetitive nature in general helps to reduce errors. Precision results are more likely to occur with the technique of application, as if the people perform the same tasks.

Decision Making: The responsibility for the problem is usually transferred in the best people closest to the problem. If you see remedied. Do not go to just call a specialist.

Merit Rewards: For the person who is successful on the level of expectation, their causesrepeat performance at this level will occur with greater probability of earning recognition.

Entrepreneurial Competitive Support American ingenuity remains the cause of surges in an unprecedented growth in start-up small business employment. This American service sector continues to grow and create solutions where challenges remain.


Now let us examine how well these techniques are, or could benefit from public education. WhenPrivate sector finds success in the competition by implementing proven approaches to reduce the error rate, the public sector could do the same? Perhaps the attention to the elements that have made our American private sector the envy of the world, would do the same for education.

Let's examine them one-by-one:

Goal Setting: This is one of the most important sections of the federal policy "No Child Left
Behind "Act. Everyone is empowered with the task of writing, communication and implementationspecific, measurable student learning outcomes. This state-by-state process is slow, and many of those already published learning objectives are not measurable, so no one can agree exactly when these objectives have been identified pupils attained.

A practical solution to this dilemma would be an insistence that contain all of the target action verbs statements that define the observable human behavior. A simple but useful list of these verbs, arranged from simplest to complex would bedistinguished: compiled; too, name, describe in order;; contrast, state a rule, apply in general to demonstrate to interpret;.
This would not only explanations that these verbs be observable, but they would also lead to measurable, a necessity for the pursuit of academic progress with standardized tests.

Entrepreneurial Competitive Support: With the availability is aligned with academic goals of the observable behavior, the task of preparing test questions on these results, aPrecision task. Research by a qualified review of the company can answer questions that are consistent targets very carefully. At present, these companies offer standardized proficiency tests and test results obtained.

But these results are not very useful for teachers who need an immediate response areas for the rehabilitation diagnosis. The thing that would be very useful to educators would be an Internet system that could electronically supply teachers with short teaching and instant quizScoring.

Unique tests of any length can be downloaded based on choice of subjects the teachers of item characteristics ranging from big test of the testing company's article database.

Other support organizations could be a way to the quiz for teacher-selected curriculum provide features, but receive with each student in the class, only a few questions. And every student questions would be questions of everyone else in the class.

When sorted electronicallyand returned, the points would then all questions, and a wider range of ideas, thus providing the teacher immediate feedback on the achievement of specific academic goals for the whole class. This process is well researched and documented for over 35 years, the independent National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Teachers should find this diagnostic quiz to unsatisfactory results and the desire for a new approach in teaching the concept of a database of proven researchApproaches should be lesson plan format by electronic means available. Over the years, educational research into successful educational approaches by government grants and contracts supported, but remains hidden in some government file, or some professors on bio sheet. An entrepreneurial opportunity is to validate them and to communicate ideas, a great support for the teachers through Internet downloads.

These are just a few ideas that are available to reduce the teacher shouldError in the statement uneducated America's youth. The service sector is always ready, able and willing to fill this gap and to achieve this are competitive.

Computer-Aided Technology Use: may occur with the experience of Internet use by educators of today's transition to this class measurement techniques with little training. In fact, might be the proliferation of software and hardware service also reassure test items for test security vendors.

The service sector is aproven ability to meet this demand quickly. Teachers would respond login codes for inclusion in the program, classroom printer to download and unique quiz for students to produce the machine-scoring function in a classroom score built print and then destroy the paper tests, and database Development of quizzes and collect more test results on a semester or year for teachers look-back and self-analysis.

This is just one example of the aid of a creative society could offer support for ourNation's teachers and students lead to improved academic performance.

Decision Making: It is obvious that the individual leaders manage classroom teacher. Your success in promoting student academic achievement based on their ability, training and support. Having direct, professional feedback is much better than a long wait for "standardized test results, which came too late for the rehabilitation of the practice.

Merit Rewards: The basis for the granting of merit payfor the exceptional performance is embedded in the record electronically with each use of the technology described in this article produced. It can be done. The private sector has shown the way!

Visit : ทำบุญวันเกิด ruthscecile.blogspot.com shannonscarl.blogspot.com porterconnor.blogspot.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Health Benefits Of Celery Juice

There are several health benefits of celery and the juice extracted. The medical virtues of celery were first described by the Greeks Discorides and Pliny. In the early middle ages celery juice was very useful for the treatment of diseases such as stones, constipation, menstrual problems and disorders of the liver and gallbladder.

The green leaves and stem and the bulbous root of celery are all extremely rich in active ingredients that make celery a very importantMedicinal plant and very beneficial for health. There is a well-balanced content of the basic minerals, vitamins and nutrients, but there are also important to give the concentrations of plant hormones and essential oils, celery its strong and distinctive smell. These oils have a specific effect on the regulation of the nervous system, and have a great calming effect. It is the presence of essential oils which makes celery special. These are also found in the seeds andif present, they too can be added to the juice.

Celery is used for its strong stimulating and beneficial effect on a weak sexual system, but fear not as an attachment with the usual therapies generally active person has an uncontrollable upsurge. Plant therapy tends to the system as usual. Like sugar, there is also a general health tonic effect.

The strong diuretic (water removing) powers of celery, so they are used in the control of health problems such asArthritis and rheumatism. Stakeholders can not be too much and can the vegetables cooked or raw, or consume juice form, which is the health of an effective treatment for all, too.

A spoonful of honey in celery juice, drank slowly, will very effectively reduce the appetite if taken before a meal, and is a pleasant drink. You can take the same mixture as a nightcap to relax, if it will help you in a soothing and restful sleep.

Those who have the juice, which in tooPast suffered from a tendency to set stones in the gallbladder or kidneys, as a rule, that do these painful deposits do not form again. It seems likely that this effect has to do to the anti-arthritic properties of the juice.

วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Fighting Flu Without Big Gun


The Obama administration, worried that tens of thousands of people could fall ill with H1N1 swine flu before a new vaccine is available later this fall, is urging Americans to adopt a series of preventive actions to slow the spread of the disease.

The emphasis on measures such as washing hands often and staying home when sick comes as schools across the country report a surge in flu-like symptoms.

More than 2,500 students at Washington State University have reported becoming ill since the semester began two weeks ago, in one of the largest school outbreaks yet. Emory University in Atlanta, which has had more than 220 ill students, set aside an empty dormitory to house several in isolation.

About 25,000 students were dismissed from 24 secondary schools Friday due to the flu, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The administration has been concerned that the virus would spread widely once school started and weeks before a vaccination program gets into full swing. An advisory panel to President Barack Obama warned in August of a possible scenario in which a new wave of infections could peak by mid-October.

The timing could be bad because the first doses of a new swine-flu vaccine won't be ready before Oct. 15, and the 45 million to 52 million doses expected on that date won't be enough for the roughly 159 million people the government has determined should get the vaccine first, such as pregnant women, health-care workers and people with underlying medical conditions. It also takes a couple of weeks after getting a shot to build immunity to the virus, and it still isn't clear whether most people will need one or two doses of the vaccine.

The message of prevention through basic behavioral techniques has become a mantra across the government. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan have urged schools to stay open, businesses to plan for extended employee absences, hospitals to prepare for a potential surge in critically ill patients, and students to wear masks when they are sick and take disposable wipes to their dorm-room doorknobs to keep viruses from spreading.

President Obama has joined in the effort. "Cover your sneezes with your sleeve," he said at a Rose Garden event last week. "I don't want anybody to be alarmed, but I do want everybody to be prepared."

Anne Schuchat, the CDC's top official for immunization and respiratory diseases, has made multiple media appearances to press the need for proper hygiene. "We can't really completely stop transmission; what we're trying to do is reduce the spread and limit the impact."

The vast majority of cases have been mild and the recent increase in cases is "quite consistent with what we were expecting," Dr. Schuchat said. The virus also hasn't undergone any changes that would make it more deadly. But Dr. Schuchat cautioned that changes in the virus could still occur.

The stakes are high, both for public health and public confidence. The rise in infections comes as the White House is renewing its battle for a health-care overhaul amid growing skepticism about the government's role in medicine. And the success of what could become the nation's largest-ever vaccination campaign is far from assured.

Mr. Obama's personal involvement last week was meant to be "a way of saying this is serious, this is a very real issue," said a senior White House official involved in the H1N1 campaign, adding that the president's profile "raises both the visibility and also raises the importance" of the message. His involvement will be periodic, but important in the weeks and months ahead, the senior official said.

To get the hygiene message across in the absence of a vaccine, the Department of Health and Human Services is using its flu Web site, www.flu.gov, to sponsor a YouTube-style contest for public-service announcements focused on prevention; the winner will get $2,500. Finalists include one video showing a man in a bright yellow hazmat suit on a date and going about other mundane parts of daily life.

Three government agencies are teaming up with Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization that produces Sesame Street, for an ad campaign featuring Elmo that encourages children to wash their hands and sneeze into the bend of their arms. Health and Human Services staff also taped ads with 41 Republican and Democratic members of Congress promoting planning and prevention to offer to local markets.

The goal, says HHS spokeswoman Jenny Backus, is "to make everyone a messenger," from congressmen to neighbors and friends. The effort takes a page from recent presidential campaigns and corporate marketing efforts, she said.

The effort reflects the priority the government has put on preparedness following 9/11, the threat of a deadly pandemic avian flu, and the political fallout from Hurricane Katrina. "After Katrina they learned that reassuring people and turning out wrong does enormous harm, but warning people and turning out wrong does minor harm," said Peter Sandman, a risk-communications expert who has advised government health officials in the past.

A campaign to urge Americans to get vaccinated for both seasonal and the new H1N1 flu is also in the works, with some efforts starting this week.

It can be hard to keep the message coordinated and controlled. In late August, health officials scrambled to calm the public after the presidential advisory panel warned that as many as 90,000 people could die in the U.S. this winter from the new flu. The report was careful to couch the forecast as a "possible" or "plausible" scenario, and officials later stressed that that dire outcome was unlikely if the virus remains mild.

The administration's plan is a tweaked version of the strategy it implemented when the virus first emerged last spring, as officials held a total of 24 press briefings within two weeks.

While some critics later said the administration overreacted with the barrage of high-level attention, there were no such worries at the White House. "On a public health issue, to err on the side of overreaction is never a bad idea," the senior White House official said.

Write to Betsy McKay at betsy.mckay@wsj.com and Cam Simpson at cam.simpson@wsj.com